Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Government of India is providing technical assistance & loan for upgradation of urban infrastructure & services and to improve the urban management of the North Eastern capital cities. Kohima town is one of the five NE capital towns selected initially under this programme. The funding pattern is based on 90% Central share and 10% State Share.
The projected investment for Kohima town is Rs. 285 crores. It is envisaged that the proposed schemes will be implemented during the period 2008-2017. The Aide Memoire/ Reform Agenda which State Government had already signed and submitted earlier to MDoNER in December 2006 was re-submitted to MoUD in December 2007. The first Tranche (loan) is expected to be released during 2008.
The project cover the followings:
Water Supply
Solid Waste Management
Drainage & Landslip Protection
Transportation & Urban Roads
Slum and Community Upgradation
The implementation of the projects under various sectors will be taken up by five stakeholder departments/ agencies: Urban Development Department, R&B (PWD), PHED, Transport Deptt. & Kohima Municipal Council (KMC). Urban Development Department is the State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) for the project.
Expression of Interest (EoI) for recruitment of Consultants was recently posted on the NIC website.